Shooting Sports in India
Shooting sports have a strong tradition in India
and competitions can be traced back to the ancient epics. There is hardly a period in Indian history
when this sport does not feature and tales are full of incidents depicting marksmanship
and related skills. There are plenty of anecdotes across centuries to prove
that this was a sport taken seriously by all sections of society. Gun powder
arrived in India replacing the bow and arrow and there are interesting accounts
of shooting competitions in the Mughal period. Shooting sports along with riding
were almost a social obligation during the British rule in the country. For those
who claimed to have arrived in life this was a sport they could not do without.
It was an integral part of growing up in high society and has continued to be
patronized by both the rural and to a great extent the urban populace of India.
In more recent times Dr. Karni Singh MP and
former Maharaja of Bikaner and Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore MP from Jaipur brought
Indian shooting sport on the Olympic map. Other shooters have done the nation
proud by participating in several national and international events in air
rifle, pistol and shotgun events. For
various reasons youngsters are taking up the sport very seriously as ambitious
parents gradually realize the benefits of taking up this discipline for their
wards. Several air rifle air pistol
ranges have come up in schools and colleges all over the country and no gun
license is required for these events. Facilities exist for air rifle, air
pistol, .22 rifle, .22 pistol, shotgun trap, skeet, double trap as well as archery
at several locations. Perhaps rightly so, it is not easy to get a gun license
for shotgun and rifle shooting unless one qualifies in the nationals with a
minimum qualifying score (MQS). Once that is achieved it is possible to apply
for a shotgun license for sport shooting.
are the basic requirements for newcomers and
youngsters who wish to take up this hobby and do well in competitive shooting
sports? The answer lies in analyzing what is required to be a good marksman.
There may be several factors essential for success but they can be generally
summed up in three major factors which form the bedrock of air rifle, pistol,
rifle, shotgun or archery sport shooting.
The first and foremost is the mind power of
the sportsperson. This is perhaps true in all “contact” sports but assumes
paramount importance in the shooting disciplines. A fickle and unfocussed mind
can never lead to any level of success in this discipline. A cool temperament
combined with a high level of focus is essential to be consistent and
successful in this sport. The ability to completely disengage from your
immediate surroundings especially in that final moment of alignment between the
target, eye and the aiming apparatus can only be attributed to mind control. At
the “point of no return” the finger
gently pulls the trigger releasing the projectile towards the target, be it an arrow,
an air pellet, a bullet or a load of shotgun pellets. The target is the end,
the gun or the bow is the means and the projectile is the means to the end. In
the final moment of placing the shot, all these are merged under the control of
the mind. All these actions must happen simultaneously and effortlessly and if
the mind is in full control, the final moment will yield success for the marksman.
The second and equally important factor is
technique. Most shooting disciplines have matured to a level where very little
choice of style is left to the individual and he or she must master the
techniques which are essential for the discipline. Most people will have some
amount of individual style and technique which distinguishes them from others.
If this was not the case, everybody would be equally good or equally bad in
their target scores. For learning the right technique, the services of a coach
must be utilized in conjunction with some amount of reading on the subject.
This has to be done with a lot of patience and tremendous amount of practice
over a sustained period of time. There is no common technique for all events
and this makes the sport interesting as a variety of points need to be mastered
if you take up more than one discipline.
The third factor is of course physical
fitness. This may not be a muscle sport
but fitness of a reasonably good level is essential. An obese or an underweight
person is unlikely to have any good result in this sport and all the physical
faculties must be in balance and harmony with the mind. Stamina levels must be
high otherwise there will be a marked deterioration in performance as fatigue
would set in when the game progresses. The level of concentration, focus and
ease of movement must be as good in the last shot of the last round as they
were in the first shot of the first round. Energy levels, flexibility of body
movements, breathing and blood pressure levels must remain constant from the
beginning to the end of the game. This is possible only if reasonably good and
healthy levels of physical fitness are maintained by the individual.
What are the several advantages for
newcomers to take up this sport? Given the excellent facilities now available in
most countries, it should not be too difficult to get started. As mentioned
earlier, a reasonable level of fitness would suffice to get started. It is not
necessary to have a group of people and a single person can get going. It will
give the individual a good reason to keep fit and experience and learn a new
set of skills. This will lead to improved mind control and help relax the mind
from the complexities of daily life. Several shooters take up meditation to
improve their skills but the sport itself is like a form of meditation as one
would understand from the salient features of the discipline. The shooting or
archery range is also a good place to meet like-minded people who can not only
improve and help in your practice and shooting skills but also become life-long
The sport definitely helps you grow in
patience and temperament and is great for stress management. It is a lifetime
sport and can be pursued till quite an advanced age. For young people this
assists in mental and physical fitness and greatly impacts the ability to
concentrate and focus on issues of importance, including studies. While
developing a good social hobby, no matter what your age or gender, one can take
up target shooting and potentially compete at all levels. Shooting is the
safest sport for girls to take up and the controlled and quiet atmosphere of
the range is ideally suited for young people. Unlike other professional sports
it’s never too late to take up target shooting. So why not visit your local
public shooting range at a school or a college and get started. This is open to
all and just needs some effort on your part to take the initiative. All types
of equipment are available on various websites or at stores across the world
about which you can talk and discuss with your new found friends at the range.
The author is a hobby enthusiast in the shotgun (trap) discipline
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